Our story

Daniela,Canisa Dream Never Ends
I do not know how to draw, but one day at the office, I tried a post-it to rebuild your face for fear that time would not blur the details of your face too quickly. Our story started when you still do not get bored on the 2008-2009 New Year’s Eve when your daddy found a farmer in the country who was going to have a baby. I knew we wanted a white, tall, pedigree bulldog ….. I did not have the money, but I gave credit to the CEC to have you. In April I brought you home to Bucharest … on Olt Valley I remember that I took a picture, you were not bigger than Daddy’s adidas. A few months later we move together, but you were my boyfriend from the beginning. You did not mind even when we brought you a sister two years later, even when we had our first bulldog nest … you tolerated patience for all, even Shaco’s subversive cat actions. All you wanted was to be with us, a tennis ball and a lot of scratching hours at the cops. Please, and get in any car with the open door …. Together we grew up as a family, as lovers and then bulldog bulldogs, we knew the charm of the dog shows and the joy of success, we met through the quinological events some wonderful people who stayed our friends. Attila, I am grateful to you for so many things, for our life as it is now, thank you and I will continue to love you until we see you again.